About Us


The founding members of Friedens (the meaning of Friedens in German is Peace) have all passed on to life with Jesus in heaven so we cannot ask them exactly how the Gospel work began in Randolph. And, sadly, our early records were lost in a fire. The brief information stated here was gathered from fragmentary sources.

Lutheran worship services were conducted at irregular intervals in a Baptist church situated on South High Street which the Baptist congregation donated to the Lutherans for their use. Services were held there from the fall of 1884 to the end of 1887. Friedens congregation was organized early in the summer of 1888. A church was built on Center Street and in 1892 a parsonage was built on Grove Street. The present church building was erected in 1900 on the corner of Dane Street (Jones Drive) and Germania Street. The old church was moved to the new site and used for a school to teach the children of the congregation German. (German, at that time, was the only language used in the worship services). The present parsonage next door to the church was erected on Germania Street in 1927.

Through many extensive remodeling and improvement projects, both the church built in 1900 and the parsonage in 1927 continue to serve Friedens congregation as their House of the Lord.” The bells in the steeple continue to call members to worship today as they have done since they were purchased in 1904, a hundred and nine years ago. Ornamental steel sheathing installed in 1911 can still be seen on the walls in the small room located on the south side of the chancel. But more important than buildings and stained glass windows is the message of our Savior God. The same Word of God preached to the founding members in 1888 continues to be preached today at each service conducted at Friedens.


Pastor Anthony Straseske 

     A 1988 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin, Pastor Straseske has served congregations in Eitzen, MN; Marshfield, WI; Wilson, MN and Ridgeway, MN.  Originally from Reeseville, WI, he married Glenda Bailey in 1985.  They have been blessed with three children and several grandchildren.   If you need any spiritual assistance, please contact  him via email (revstraseske@gmail.com) or by phone (920) 326-5134.

The Lutheran Church

The Lutheran church is a Christian denomination that traces its history back to the early 1500's. The teachings of the Lutheran church can be summarized in the words of Martin Luther that say we know and believe that Jesus Christ saves sinners "by grace alone, through faith alone, on Scripture alone."  While Lutheran history is over 500 years old, the message and the church's ministry is current and its message is relevant because it is built on the timeless truths of God's Word, the Bible.

Friedens Lutheran Church is one of over 1,200 churches that are part of the church body known as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).  The history of these Lutheran churches can be traced back over 150 years ago to three founding churches in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  However, today there are WELS congregations and missions all across the United States and the world.

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it. ~ Luke 11:28